Tuesday 21 September 2010

Better roads for Praslin, SNP asks

SNP leader Wavel Ramkalawan is proposing that the existing Newcome to Anse Lazio track be converted into a motorable access. This, he argued, would allow for much cost savings for farmers and hoteliers who now have to travel all around Praslin for their business. The Minister agreed that this was a good idea but stated that there was no money for the project at this point.

However, the Minister accepted that the stretch needed repair and maintenance. This project will cost R8 million and the money is not available, Morgan explained. For the time being, the Land Transport Agency would only maintain it so that the situation would not get worse.

Other roads on Praslin are in deplorable state and lacking proper maintenance, members of the Assembly have shown in questions to the minister responsible for land transport, Joel Morgan. He responded that the budget had been heavily constrained because of the economic reform programme. The Leader of the Opposition took the opportunity to sketch out, through his various questions, the SNP vision for a modern road network for the island of Praslin.

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