Thursday 30 December 2010

Message of SNP Leader Wavel Ramkalawan for New Year 2011: WELCOME THE NEW YEAR WITH HOPE

The New Year is a fresh start for all of us. It is a time of hope, when we look forward to advancing our goals in life. As the saying goes, each day is the start of the rest of our lives, and this must be especially true of the New Year. Let us truly look on it as the start of the future.

But before we set off on this new journey, I join with the people of Seychelles in looking back at the past year, to be thankful for what we have been able to achieve. For those who have enjoyed success in their endeavours, it is right that they should look back with satisfaction and pride. For those who have had a hard year, who have suffered loss and pain, let us take courage from what we have been through in the hope that it will give us new hope for a better year ahead. 

I express my sincere wishes to all the people of Seychelles that the year will bring health and strength for each one and the energy and courage to work for what we want to achieve. I hope that everyone will have the opportunities they seek for prosperity and happiness. I know we will all face new trials that will test us. But the start of the year is the right moment to determine that we will face what life brings and do our best to build happiness around us.

But I also want to express my wishes for our country itself. I hope we will see the year through in peace and stability, that we will achieve respect for all no matter what our differences, and that a spirit of unity will be amongst us. I hope that freedom and justice will prevail so that we can say that Seychelles is indeed our motherland, in which we know that we all have a place to share.

I express my best wishes for everyone in Seychelles to celebrate the New Year with their loved ones and families. Let us commend our lives and our preoccupations to God so that He will bless us and guide us through the year ahead.   

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