Tuesday 5 October 2010

Message of SNP Leader WAVEL RAMKALAWAN On Teachers day 2010

On the occasion of Teachers’ Day 2010, I would like to address my good wishes to all teachers in Seychelles for a fruitful day of reflection, activities and celebration.

Teachers Day is there to remind us of how much we single out this profession among so many others to honour. If we ask ourselves why we don’t specially mark a day for many other professions which may be even more prestigious such as Lawyers’ Day, or Doctors’ Day or Astronauts’ Day, the answer will be simple. It is because these professions don’t mean so much to each and every one of us. Other professions we may need now and then or they may contribute indirectly to our lives. But nothing can replace the teacher in our lives. Teachers are second only to our parents in the way they shape our minds and our character for the future. Sometimes, their influence may be even more definite than that of our parents. So it is appropriate for us to give this day our special attention.

Seychelles has always demanded a lot of its teachers, but our demands are increasing all the time. The job of a teacher is, with each passing year, more difficult, requiring more hard work, dedication and caring, with every plan that we make for the future of our nation, we need to count on our teachers to deliver. Unfortunately, his important profession is not always rewarded as it should be. Teachers continue be poorly paid in comparison to many other professions and types of work, and the conditions they work are not so comfortable. This is perhaps the case in much of the world, but we must make it our concern here in Seychelles. So, it is our duty to continue to seek better conditions for teachers, so that we recognize the value of the work that they do.

Teaching is no longer a question of knowledge or information. It is no longer about content. Today, it must be about imparting the wish to learn, the ability to think, and the preparation of our young to take control of their own lives. Our world today is more complex, with numerous factors and influences, many of them destructive, which bear upon the lives of our young people. We are therefore asking more of our teachers than we ever have.

If we ask more of them, we need to be ready to help them more. As parents, as members of other professions, as members of the public, we should be ready to support our teachers to the full. We cannot entrust the future of our children to the teachers and wash our hands of the job of education. They say it takes a whole village to educate a child. In our case, our whole country is that village.

I take the occasion to pledge my support to teachers in the noble task we have entrusted them with. I wish you courage for the year ahead, and a happy Teachers Day.

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