Friday 8 October 2010

Our Country... Our Future: No place for fear

Some years back, the leader of a Commonwealth observer mission asked me why the ruling party was still winning elections even if the country was near bankruptcy and the people were suffering. I looked at the honourable gentleman in the eye and said: ‘Fear’.  He shook his head and said, ‘It has to be destroyed if democracy is to take root.’

Our people have been ruled by fear from the day of the coup when Mr. René took power by the gun. Fear has of course been accompanied by lies. We have been used to all manner of false propaganda that kept the system going. It is sad, but unfortunately too many people have fallen into that trap for too long.

Every state service has operated with some element of fear. Getting a house required a show of support for the ruling party. One had to be very careful in what one said, who you associated with, and of course showing up at the ruling party’s activities.

A business licence required the same behaviour. A lot of people have suffered over the years and have been denied a licence simply because there were doubts about their political affiliation. The same applied to a job in the civil service. The security clearance process was basically a political clearance process.

When you look at all the circumstances and understand what people had to go through, then you see how fear set itself as the norm in the lives of our people. And the politicians were so ruthless that they preyed on even the elderly citizens. They were told that if they voted for the opposition, they would lose their social security. How inhuman and sad when politicians can stoop to that level.

Today, as we approach the presidential election, fear is being tried again. The usual propaganda of losing everything if the SNP wins is being played out. Our citizens are being told they will lose their jobs, their homes, their land, their business and even the welfare assistance that they may be receiving. This is coming from a ruling party that has lost direction and is staring at defeat. It is the action of a drowning man clutching at every straw.

The good news is that our people have gone through this phase. They have seen and heard it all before. Our people are now stronger and much more determined than ever. Fear tactics will not work anymore. People will stand for what they believe in and change what they feel needs changing. In our case it is a government.

The truth is finally penetrating to the very hearts of our people. They know their rights and therefore are aware that no government can stop them from benefiting from state services or from taking their jobs away. Fear will no longer affect their thinking and their resolve for a better Seychelles.

Under an SNP government, no individual will lose his job, house, licence or property. Politics will no longer direct our lives. We will no longer be a nation that has politics as the main ingredient of daily life. The rights of every individual will be respected by the state, and politicians will once again be the servants of the people and not their masters.

The people of Seychelles are indeed ready for a new tomorrow. They will do so in all confidence. I am proud of being part of the change. If you are not already on board, jump in, and together let us build a better country.

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